Annual Plan 2020/2021 Adopted

8 July 2020

Council adopted the Annual Plan 2020/2021 on 30 June 2020 with a zero percent rate increase. This was made possible through a reduction in a number of areas of operational expenditure that were impacted by Covid-19, drawing short-term loans and pushing rates increases under community rates through to the 2021/2022 year.

Key changes to the Annual Plan adopted by Council include investigating a land-based option for future treatment of Hokitika wastewater, taking ownership of the Westland Sports Hub and funding the insurance through the Hokitika Community Rate and providing a $78,616 grant for unforeseen project costs, funding of $57,500 to the Regent Theatre with a commitment to include this in the 2021-31 LTP and funding of $15,000 to support the work of the West Coast Wilderness Trail Trust. The Annual Plan 2020/2021 is available on our website.

Annual Plan 2020/2021 Adopted