What to do with dog poo?

Responsible dog owners are expected to clean up and remove their dog’s poo when out and about (you can be fined if you don’t), and there’s also the issue of what to do with dog poo in your own backyard. If you’re looking for an alternative to putting it in a plastic bag in your rubbish bin, then consider a composting system.

If this is an option for you then make sure that your composting system is separate from your regular compost and only use it for ornamental gardens (not your vegetable garden or fruit trees!).

There are different systems for composting pet waste. You can buy a commercial system that uses enzymes or go the DIY route and build your own with compost worms.

The Composting Collective has lots of information for anyone interested in changing how they deal with their pet’s waste.

What to do with dog poo?