Westland welcomes fourteen new citizens

It was with great pleasure that Mayor Helen Lash and Deputy Mayor Ashely Cassin conducted a citizenship ceremony for fourteen people who hail from all corners the globe. Our new citizens join us from Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Viet Nam, South Africa, and Fiji. Joined by their friends and family each person takes their oath or affirmation and is presented with a beautiful native plant to commemorate the event and a tasty block of Westgold butter.

We extend a warm Westland welcome to: Claudia Waldmann, Pia Droemer, Agnes Able, Leigh Armstrong, Samuel Armstrong, Aroha Hawkins, Quyen Nguyen, Anna Tran, Viet Tran, Claudi-Ann Annandale, John Ratubalavu, Karsten Ludwig, Jayne McQuarrie and Denise Nicholls.

Westland welcomes fourteen new citizens