Westland Civic Awards

Council and the Hokitika Lions Club celebrated the achievement of members of the local community during the December Council meeting on 14 December 2023.

Congratulations to all the award recipients. Read more about them on our website. You can also view the ceremony on our Youtube channel, beginning at about 6 minutes in, here.

The Percy Atkinson Trophy for Sporting Achievement Jack Matthews
The Ron Wieblitz Trophy in Arts and Culture Rishjarn-Karlos Hereaka
The Brian McCarthy Trophy for Community Involvement Charlotte Provis
The George Groufsky Presidential Trophy – for a single outstanding achievement in any category

The Westpac Trophy: Overall winner

Scott Matthews
Westland Scholarship Ella Stewart
Local Hero

Someone who deserves recognition for their often unnoticed service to the district or a township within a district.

Helene Hindman
Community Group/Organisation of the Year

Recognises a group of people that together have made an outstanding difference to their community. They foster a strong sense of community spirit and their achievements enhance the social, economic, cultural and environmental prosperity of our district making it stronger and more vibrant.

Te Hono o Nga Waka



Senior Westlander of the Year- (Over 60)

Recognising those aged 60 and over who have made a positive contribution to our district. Nominees will have contributed to the welfare of our district through excellence in their chosen field; they will present a significant and positive image of ageing and be a role model to the wider community whether it be in business, sports, arts, education or community involvement.

Eileen Jones
Westlander of the Year 

Honours the achievements and contributions of an inspirational person who has made a significant contribution to their district. Their pursuit of excellence may be in areas of – science, business, the arts, cultural or community involvement, sport, education and health.  The Westlander of the Year Award will recognise an individual, who, through his or her achievements, has made an outstanding contribution to the well being of the district.

Mike Keenan

Westland Civic Awards