The library is still open for business

The library might be operating with reduced opening hours, but the library staff are coming up with great ideas to help the community keep entertained.

  • 6 for $6 DVD Binge Bundles – pick up a bundle of 6 DVDs for the price of 2 and keep them to watch for 3 weeks!
  • Select and Collect – if you want to quickly pop in and pop out of the library you can ‘select and collect’. You can either select books using the online catalogue, or let the library staff know what sorts of books you’d like to read and let them select them for you. Your books will be collated and made ready for you to collect.
  • Select and DeliveredOnly available for households that are in self-isolation, located in the Hokitika area.
    Request a selection of adults, young adults and children’s items in a combination to suit your household’s needs. The items will be issued for a six week period and a contactless delivery scheduled. We ask you not to return your items until everyone in the household is out of isolation.
  • Word Lover’s Pack – Spark your creativity every second Saturday of the month and pick up a poetry book and writing exercise selected by our librarians. Register at the library, online, by phone on 03 755 6208 or email.

The library is still open for business