Taking a responsible approach to dog ownership

Dogs bring great joy to their owners and to people who want to interact with them. To make sure that dogs continue to bring joy, their owners need to be responsible and abide by the Dog Control Act and Council’s Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.

  • Ensure that your dog is registered and renew it by 31 July each year– Did you know that over 99% (2059 dogs) were registered in the district last year? That is responsible dog ownership!
  • Display your current registration tag on your dog’s collar.
  • Microchip your dog.
  • Pick up your dog’s poo when out and about!
  • Make sure you have control with a leash or voice and always carry a leash, even in off-leash areas.
  • Get a licence from Council if you wish to keep more than 2 dogs on an urban property.
  • Keep the council informed if you move or if anything else changes.
  • Take reasonable steps to prevent your dog from causing a nuisance with persistent barking, causing distress to people or other animals, or damaging property.

If you wish to exercise your dog off-leash, visit Council’s website to view the map of off-leash areas. As we are in a coastal environment with endangered birds, it’s important to take care and pay attention to where your dog explores on the beach.

Taking a responsible approach to dog ownership