Speed… Yes, we’re talking about it again.

Local speed limits

With the changes in the way speed limits are set and managed, we are required to write our 10-year Speed Management Plan for our local roads. We are doing this with Grey and Buller Councils to create a consistent, coast-wide approach to speed management and setting speed limits.

Presently, we are drafting a document that will be available for public consultation later this year. We want you as stakeholders to give us feedback on the draft document. We have engaged with our industry stakeholders and your Elected Members to help us prepare the Draft Speed Management Plan.

Much has been done around speed management within Westland, with 25% of our network already posted at the Safe and Appropriate Speed (SAAS). We aim to expand on the work that has already been carried out. Previously we asked the community what worked well and what didn’t work well. That feedback has been used as we work to change things for the better.

We’ve already committed to making the roads around schools safer for our Tamariki and will be rolling out some changes with a mix of variable and permanent 30km/h speeds around all Westland schools. We aim to change the speed limits around all schools by June 2024.

Positive and negative, we want all your feedback. This isn’t just a journey we’re taking by ourselves we want as many on board for the ride as we can get.

State Highway speed limits

In August Waka Kotahi released their Interim Speed Management Plan for the country. While the interim plan had closed for feedback they are still seeking feedback to help them develop their final version.

We asked you to share your suggestions for changes to the speed limits on State Highway 6 so that we could provide that feedback to Waka Kotahi, along with our suggestions for areas to be considered for speed changes. We’ve done that in the lead-up to feedback closing at the end of September 2023. Should you wish to provide your feedback contact Waka Kotahi.

Speed… Yes, we’re talking about it again.