More ‘R’s of managing waste

In last month’s Westland Matters, we talked about the 5 ‘R’s’ of managing waste, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse and Repurpose, but there are many more that we can consider. Here are some of the more common ones:

  • Rethink: take time to consider what you’re buying and if there’s an eco-friendly choice available.
  • Regift: Not every present we receive suits us and our lifestyle, but if you’ve received something that’s brand new and too good to throw out there might be someone else in your life that it’s perfect for. If not, take it along to the Op shop and let it find a new home and help the charity make some money. In fact, you might know people who would be very happy to receive a gift from you that isn’t brand-new and would otherwise go to the Op shop, so the next time you have a clear out consider (re-)gifting what you don’t want.
  • Rot: Food waste makes up a significant amount of the waste that goes to landfill. Turning your kitchen scraps into compost saves a huge tonnage of food ending up in landfill, releasing methane for no reason and costing ratepayers in Carbon Credits. It’s a good fertiliser for the garden, too. Nowhere to compost or not enough to compost? Join Share Waste and find people to share your compostable scraps with.
  • Repair: In many instances, this might be easier said than done. We live in a throw-away society and many things are not built to last. But sometimes repairing an item is more cost-effective and easier than you think. Often, if you think you can repair it, there’s a YouTube video with instructions on how to do it. And if there’s not, try asking people who might have the skills to teach you. You’ll get a greater sense of satisfaction repairing things like a torn item of clothing than throwing it in the bin.
  • Research: There are a multitude of bargains available in Op Shops, online marketplaces and second-hand shops. Before you make a purchase, research other options in the second-hand market. They might be cheaper and better quality, even if they sometimes need a bit of TLC.

Image: Ryan Forsythe on Flickr

More ‘R’s of managing waste