Mahinapua Creek Track upgrade work

Work on a new lookout structure over the Mahinapua Scenic Reserve section of the West Coast Wilderness Trail started earlier this month. The site is a natural point where trail users stop and walk down to the edge of the bank to admire the views. However, this creates a health and safety risk for trail users. This new lookout will provide a safe place to view the Southern Alps and Aoraki Mt Cook, providing plenty of photo opportunities over the wetland area of the creek. Interpretation panels will be installed at a later date. Led by the Westland District Council, the project is being undertaken in conjunction with the West Coast Wilderness Trail Trust and engineering company WSP, with support from the Department of Conservation.

Also underway is an upgrade to the Mahinapua track by the Department of Conservation. Portions of the track are being resurfaced, culverts and bridges are being improved and many of the ruts caused by exposed rocks and tree roots removed, making it easier for less able-bodied people to negotiate.

The Mahinapua Scenic Reserve section is regarded as one of the jewels in the trail. Recognised as one of the highest-value wetlands in New Zealand, it was created through the two great forces of the Hokitika glacier and Tasman Sea. The resulting swampy margins proved a perfect habitat for tall kahikatea, rimu and matai trees and have become home to a rich array of native fish and birds including the kotuku (white heron). The wetlands are also an important spawning ground for whitebait.

The work should be completed over the next month or so with a much-improved experience ready for the coming season.

Mahinapua Creek Track upgrade work