Lots of activity at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park
At our recent meeting, we decided that we will continue to open to the public on Wednesdays and Saturdays and the Mudfish Bush Railway will operate on Saturdays. We will also consider openings by appointment and extra opening during school holidays and holiday weekends if we have members available.
Our application for funding from the government Regeneration fund was unfortunately unsuccessful. Our team leaders are reviewing budgets so that we can make further applications to other funders.
In the meantime, some work continues in the Livery with restoration work. The plans for a major upgrade when the boats are moved out are progressing.
Members have been busy sorting, tidying and cleaning around the Park. We have a lot of old equipment around and it is a constant battle to try to keep, protect and repair things or decide that we really must throw them in the scrap!

If you hadn’t noticed, the Mudfish Bush Railway encircles a wetland that has developed over the years after the area was logged. Our biodiversity project, funded by the Department of Conservation over several years to develop and enhance the wetland, is coming to an end with the two final information panels to be constructed.
We have also been busy with landscaping and planting with Rooney’s Lookout now a real picture giving a great view over the Park and to the mountains.
The Heritage and Learning Centre has also had a big tidy-up. Maria has added to her collection of sewing machines and looms with an historic costume display.
We recently had a visit from our friends from Halswell with their locomotives. The visiting public enjoyed the day – the children all seemed to want to ride with every different locomotive. We also had an evening run that was also well patronised. The bad news for railway fans is that our Licence to operate has lapsed. The audit of our operation has been completed and our application to renew the licence will go to WorkSafe in the next few days. We hope to be up and running again soon.
Our admin team have been busy as usual with funding applications and also liaison with the Museum staff including the preparation of information panels for the Heritage Walkway around the town.
This report usually ends with an invitation to visit the Park and an invitation for people to join us. It is a pleasure to note that we have welcomed 13 new members to our ranks in the last month!
If you are interested in becoming a member please get in touch:
Email: wihpark@gmail.com
Phone: 027 629 1935
Website: http://www.rustyrelics.co.nz
Address: 9 Brian Waugh Lane, Hokitika 7810
Text and Image of Chip and children supplied by the Westland Industrial Heritage Park