Is that person really from Council?

Staff from Council undertake a lot of work out and about in the community performing different functions. If you are building a house you will likely have to undergo a building inspection, if you apply for a Manager’s licence you will have an interview with a liquor licencing inspector and if you visit the library you might need to speak to a librarian.

If staff need to speak to a member of the public outside of our offices and facilities they will generally make an appointment with you beforehand and:

  • Be wearing Council-branded clothing
  • Carry and present an official form of identification. You can ask to see this if they do not offer it.
  • If they are driving they will be in a Council-branded vehicle.
  • Will be able to provide contact details of their manager and allow you to contact them.

If you are concerned that someone is impersonating a Council officer you can contact us on 0800 747 843.

Is that person really from Council?