Hokitika Racecourse drop-in session and survey

Westland District Council, with the support of project consultants Joseph & Associates, held a drop-in session on Saturday 10 June, at the Hokitika Boys Brigade Hall to gather the views of the Westland community on the future use of the Hokitika Racecourse site.

Mayor Helen Lash says the 12-hour duration of the drop-in session was decided on to give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend, working around any other Saturday commitments they may have.

For those that were unable to make it to the drop-in session or haven’t had an opportunity to attend any of the consultation sessions, Mayor Lash urges them to read the project information and complete the survey.

Surveys can be completed online or emailed to infrastructure@westlanddc.govt.nz

The survey is available in hardcopy from the Customer Service and Westland District Library.

The council will consider all feedback received from the community, before deciding on what the next steps will be for the future use of the former Hokitika racecourse.

Contact for further information

Rachel Leitch, rachel@perpro.nz, 0223 288 020


Key projects

More information about our other Key Projects is on Council’s website.

Hokitika Racecourse drop-in session and survey