Have Your Say: Shape Our Future! Understanding the Long-Term Plan

What is the Long-Term Plan (LTP)?

Every three years, Westland District council develops a Long-Term Plan (LTP), also known as a 10-Year Plan. This crucial document outlines the council’s vision, priorities, and spending plans for the next decade. It’s essentially a roadmap for how the community will grow and develop, covering everything from roads and parks to libraries, water services, and community facilities.

Why Should You Care?

The LTP directly impacts on your daily life. It determines:

  • What services are provided: Think local roads, libraries, parks, rubbish collection, and more.
  • How much you pay in rates: The LTP sets the budget, which influences your rates.
  • The future of our community: It shapes the kind of place we live in for the next 10 years and beyond.

This is YOUR chance to make a difference!

The council will soon be consulting with the community on its draft LTP. This means you can:

  • Learn about the proposed plans: Understand what the council is proposing for the next 10 years.
  • Share your thoughts and ideas: Tell the council what you think is important for our community.
  • Make a submission: Formally express your views on the draft LTP and suggest changes.

Why are Submissions Important?

Submissions are a vital part of the democratic process. They allow the council to hear from a wide range of voices and perspectives, ensuring that the LTP reflects the needs and aspirations of the community. Your submission can influence the final decisions made by the council.

How Can You Get Involved?

  1. Get Informed: We will soon be sharing the draft LTP and the Consultation document. These will be available on our website.
  2. Read the Consultation Document: Carefully review the proposals and consider their potential impact on you and your community.
  3. Prepare Your Submission: Think about what you like, what you don’t like, and what you would like to see changed. Be clear and concise in your submission. You can support your points with examples and evidence.
  4. Submit Your Submission: Details about how to submit will be available on our website, along with the documents.

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of our community! Have your say on the Long-Term Plan in April!

Have Your Say: Shape Our Future! Understanding the Long-Term Plan