Council and community news – March 2025

17 March 2025

Upcoming Council meetings – March / April 2025

Council Controlled Organisations Committee Meeting Thursday 27 March, 10 am
Council Meeting Thursday 27 March, 1 pm
Council Meeting Thursday, 17 April, 1 pm

Image: Geoff Marks

Upcoming Council meetings – March / April 2025

Westland welcomes fourteen new citizens

It was with great pleasure that Mayor Helen Lash and Deputy Mayor Ashely Cassin conducted a citizenship ceremony for fourteen people who hail from all corners the globe. Our new citizens join us from Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Viet Nam, South Africa, and Fiji. Joined by their friends and family each person takes their oath or affirmation and is presented with a beautiful native plant to commemorate the event and a tasty block of Westgold butter.

We extend a warm Westland welcome to: Claudia Waldmann, Pia Droemer, Agnes Able, Leigh Armstrong, Samuel Armstrong, Aroha Hawkins, Quyen Nguyen, Anna Tran, Viet Tran, Claudi-Ann Annandale, John Ratubalavu, Karsten Ludwig, Jayne McQuarrie and Denise Nicholls.

Library Artist Talk – A conversation on mosaic and stained glass

Join us for “A Conversation on Mosaic and Stained Glass” on Thursday 10 April, 5 pm-6 pm at Westland District Library.

Discover the art of transformation in this special artist talk! Alongside her Art@the Library exhibition ‘Other People’s Trash’, Kate Gardner will share insights into the creative process, turning discarded crockery, china, glass, and jewellery into stunning mosaic and stained-glass artworks.

Hear about the inspiration behind the work and the techniques used to breathe new life into forgotten objects. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a maker, or simply curious about sustainable creativity, this conversation promises to be an engaging and inspiring experience.

South Westland drop-in sessions with the Planning Team

The Council’s Planning Team will be in South Westland this week and are looking forward to seeing you.

Westland District Council Planning drop-in sessions will be held at:

Franz Josef Community Hall

Wednesday, 19 March 2025, 12pm to 2pm, 6 Main Road, Franz Josef


Haast Community Hall

Thursday, 20 March 2025, 9am to 12pm, 9 Pauareka Road, Haast

The planners will be able to assist with:

  1. Understanding resource consent application requirements.
  2. Understanding District Plan requirements and zoning.
  3. What activities are permitted with/without resource consent.
  4. Provide guidance and answers to general planning related queries.

If you are unable to attend in person and would still like to discuss your project with a planner, please email or phone 0800 474 834 to arrange a time for a virtual meeting.


South Westland drop-in sessions with the Planning Team

Enviroschools Māra Kai Workshop at Kids First Kindergartens Hokitika

Six kaiako (teachers) gathered at Kids First Kindergartens Hokitika for an enriching Enviroschools Māra Kai (food gardening) workshop focused on sustainable gardening practices. The session, aimed at enhancing environmental education, provided hands-on learning experiences that will benefit both teachers and tamariki (children) alike.

The workshop began with an informative discussion on soil health, exploring the essential role it plays in supporting plant growth and maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem. The kaiako learned about how plants interact with each other under the soil and the importance of mimicking nature.

Following the theory, the group moved on to practical activities. Each participant had the chance to plant seedlings, sow seeds, and prick out seedlings into larger pots. These activities were designed to build confidence in growing plants from start to finish, with a focus on sustainable, organic methods.

By the end of the workshop, all teachers left with a tray of sown seeds and a punnet of seedlings, ready to care for and nurture. This hands-on experience not only equipped them with the skills to implement māra kai (food gardening) activities in their classrooms but also deepened their connection to the environment.

The Enviroschools Māra Kai workshop was a great success, reinforcing the importance of sustainability and environmental awareness. The teachers are now excited to share their new knowledge with tamariki (children), inspiring the next generation to appreciate and care for the natural world.

Westland District Council supports Enviroschools through funding from our Solid Waste activity.

Text and images: Laura Neale, Enviroschools Facilitator

Enviroschools Māra Kai Workshop at Kids First Kindergartens Hokitika

Latest developments at the Hokitika Racecourse

Work to build the enabling infrastructure for the Hokitika Racecourse housing development is underway. All the roading and underground waters infrastructure is funded through the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, so there is no cost to ratepayers.

At the site the setup and fencing has been completed. Earthworks have been progressing well since the start of the project earlier in the year, and the spell of fine weather has made the earthworks easier. Most of the roads have been set out and the stormwater installation is currently underway.

Latest developments at the Hokitika Racecourse

Creative Communities Funding – March round

There is still time to make an application for project funding under the Creative Communities New Zealand Local Arts Funding Scheme.

You can apply as an individual or a group for a variety of different projects, such as:

  • Performances
  • Creative workshops
  • Creation of new tukutuku, whakairo or kowhaiwhai for a local marae
  • Exhibitions by local craft groups
  • Festivals featuring local artists
  • Creation of a community film or a public artwork by a community/li>
  • Artist residencies involving local artists or communities
  • Seminars for local artist development

Visit our website to download the application forms and application guide. Contact us by email at for more information or to request hard copies of the application form and guide.

Applications close on Monday 31 March 2025.

Creative Communities Funding – March round

Every Corner Project

The Air New Zealand Every Corner Project aims to support grassroots efforts by communities – big and small – to improve, protect or restore their local environment. Below are some examples of projects we’d be interested in hearing about. We’re looking for a lasting impact of five years or more so please keep this in mind when you apply.

  • Planting native trees and plants
  • Establishing native gardens, food gardens or beehives
  • Reducing food waste from landfill, for example, composting
  • Nature and/or climate education
  • Renewable energy, for example, solar panels
  • Predator control
  • Restoration/regeneration of oceans, beaches, mangroves and waterways

Registered charities, schools/kura, iwi and hapū can apply for Every Corner Project funding. To apply, your organisation must be a:

Funding requests can be from $5,000 up to $10,000 for a school/kura, and from $10,000 up to $15,000 for a charity, hapū or iwi.

Visit Air New Zealand’s website to find out more and apply.

Text: Air New Zealand