Projects progressing at WIHP
It’s been a fairly quiet couple of months at the Park. Project work has progressed steadily and we look forward to Christmas and the holiday season.

We received the great news in mid-November that our Licence to operate the Mudfish Bush Railway has been renewed. We have had a few rail days since and patronage has been really good despite cooler (and sometimes damper) weather than we like.

Whilst talking of the railway, Bruce and the team in the workshop have been modifying and improving the traverser and building a small ticket office. The drive through storage shed has been a great success. Two new sets of points have also been built.
Vicki has almost singlehandedly eliminated the gorse along the railway’s Marshall Straight and the landscape team have continued to maintain and improve the plantings of trees and shrubs. There is a way to go but they are beginning to see the rewards for their labours.
David and the Livery team have installed some new display boards that improve the display of leather harnesses, bridles, whips and the like.
Maria continues to expand and enhance her displays of sewing machines, loom and spinning wheels and her Victorian costume display has become a popular feature.
We have hosted a number of groups from about 70 motorcycles for the Motorcycle “Shine and Show”, the Wolseley Club, Bill Hohepa’s NZ heritage tour group, a travel group from Hastings and two school groups – Westland High School and St. Canices School in Westport. A great opportunity for the children to learn about the history of Westland.
We hope you enjoyed our floats in the Christmas Parade and it encouraged you to come and look around the displays, talk to our volunteers and you might hear some interesting stories. See the show in the Big Engine Shed and have a ride on the Mudfish Bush Railway.
Happy Christmas everyone from Westland Industrial Heritage Park.
Visit us at 9 Brian Waugh Lane, Hokitika 7810. Check our website for opening hours or call 027 629 1935.
Text and Images: Westland Industrial Heritage Park