Final Representation arrangements

On 3 July 2024 the Westland District Council gave public notice of its final proposal for representation arrangements to apply for the Council for the local elections to be held on 12 October 2025.

Notification of the right to appeal or object was also given. No appeals or objections were received in respect of the resolution, therefore the representation arrangements for Westland District Council’s 2025 local elections will be as in the final proposal.


For the 2025 triennium the Council will comprise of 8 members elected from three wards, and the mayor. The three wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:

Northern Ward All that part of Westland District north of the Mikonui River but excluding Hokitika Ward.
Hokitika Ward All that part of Westland including the town of Hokitika, the area north to Three Mile and including the areas to the east known as Blue Spur and Brickfield as far as Pine Tree Road.
Southern Ward All that area of Westland south of the Mikonui River.

The population that each member will represent is as follows:

Ward Population Members Cr/Population Variation
Northern Ward 3340 3 1113 101%
Hokitika Ward 3300 3 1100 99%
Southern Ward 2170 2 1085 98%
Total 8810 8 1101 100%

Therefore maintaining the +/- 10% rule in accordance with section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001.

Community Board Representation

No community boards will be established. Council has a good relationship with community groups in the district which serves for fair representation without the need for community boards.

Māori Wards

Council will not establish a Māori Ward.

Final Representation arrangements