Feedback on Speed Limits

Due to ongoing legislative changes in speed management, it is important that Council has a greater understanding of what our customers want for the district’s roading network and a future plan for speed management.

A fully revised system for Speed Management is being implemented between now and 2024. This involves the creation of Regional Speed Management Plans that will replace the current bylaw system.

Share your thoughts on the current speed limits and what changes you would like to see in the future by completing our survey before 4 pm on Friday 2 September 2022.

You can complete the survey online here.

Alternatively, a downloadable survey is available here (PDF 831.43KB) or in hardcopy from Council’s Customer Service Centre. You can return the survey to the Customer Service Centre at 36 Weld Street or email to

Any enquires about the feedback process can be directed to Karl Jackson, Transportation Manger at 03 756 9032 or email

Feedback on Speed Limits