Draft Annual Plan – Be part of the process

Our draft Annual Plan is out for consultation, and we want to hear from the community.

Proposed amendments in this year’s plan cover a wide range of topics that Council has been considering over the past year. We would like to hear from the community about what they think of Council’s plans for our headquarters and how much road maintenance they think we should be doing. Some of the topics only affect specific communities within the district, with Council seeking opinions on the future of the Ross Swimming Pool Structure, funding for community development in the Franz Josef and Fox Glacier communities and the Hokitika Area Promotions rate, all of which are funded by these communities through targeted rates.

Mayor Helen Lash wants the community to know, “We want to hear from you all! A Council can only make the best decisions when we hear from you, the community; and although we get to talk to many of you, it isn’t all of you.”

Visit our website to make your submission and be part of the process.

Draft Annual Plan – Be part of the process