Marie Island Music Student Concert

Creative Communities

Supported by the October 2023 Creative Communities funding round, the Marie Island Music Students hosted a student showcase for their family and friends last December in the old Renton’s Hardware Building in Hokitika.

Local music teacher and owner of Marie Island Music, Marie Dobson envisioned an evening for her students with a supportive and intimate audience that would nurture a desire to perform at more public opportunities. The evening showcased the musical talents of her singing and piano students, whom have a variety of performance experience. For some members it was their first time performing in front of anyone, other students were experienced performers who perform in school musical theatre, school events, church singing and choirs.

Marie Island Music caters to all ages, from 6 years old to senior community members, and is a culturally diverse group of students. This special event brought the student and close community together to learn and express themselves amongst like minded folk. Maire Dobson says, “Although I applied as an individual, I would like to say that I have created a real collective within our community, Marie Island Music is expanding every day!”.

The event also supported local businesses Te Rere Organics and Logan’s Lemonade who provided catering services.

Text: Marie Dobson and Westland District Council

Images supplied by: Marie Dobson

Creative Communities