August at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park

August was a pretty quiet month at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park. The weather was a factor meaning that some of the Saturdays we were unable to run the Mudfish Bush Railway.

The floor of the Museum of Fire has been sealed and work has continued steadily on many of our projects despite the weather.

Visitor levels have fluctuated as you would expect with the weather we have experienced. We hosted a vintage car club group from Nelson and the Sumner RSA. Both groups enjoyed their visits. Our events group are in negotiation with a number of organisations for visits in the near future.

We held one really great day on 27 August when we had a “Family Fun Day”, with the proceeds going to the Cancer Society Daffodil Day Appeal. The weather was kind, the Mudfish Railway was operating and we had a sausage sizzle. We were so well supported that we ran out of sausages before lunch and had to hastily thaw more supplies to meet the demand for the rest of the day! Thankfully, thanks to our friends from Nelson and Greymouth who brought their locomotives along, the railway operated well and is still a great favourite with kids from two year olds to 72 year olds. We hope the day was enjoyed by all. It was a great success for us and we were able to give a substantial donation to the Cancer Society.

If you are interested in becoming a member please get in touch:


Phone:  027 629 1935

Web site:

Address: 9 Brian Waugh Lane, Hokitika 7810

Text and image supplied by Westland Industrial Heritage Park

August at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park