Apply for rates rebates

The full rates rebate for the 2022/2023 year is $700. To be eligible for the full rebate your income must be $28,000 or less, but you can still receive a partial rebate if your income is higher, up to $50,000.

You must be the ratepayer on our records AND reside at the address for which you wish to apply for a rebate as at 1 July 2020. Rebates are intended for residential properties including Retirement village occupants with a licence to occupy and Māori Freehold Landowners with a separate rating unit.

Council needs to know your total income before tax for the year 1 April 2021– 31 March 2022 to process a rates rebate application.

Please visit the DIA website for further information on what the requirements are and how to apply. Our Rates Officer is happy to assist with these applications.

Apply for rates rebates